Plötulopi 9102 Grey Heather


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Plötulopi 9102 Grey Heather
Fibre Content: 100% Wool
Weight: 100 g
Length: 300 m
Recommended Knitting Needles: 4.5mm (1-ply), 5.5mm (2-ply)
Tension/Gauge: 19sts – 10 cm (1-ply), 14sts – 10 cm (2-ply)

Plötulopi is an unspun single ply yarn that is the favorite of the native Icelandic knitters for garments of all kinds. It is quite fragile to knit because it breaks easily but is just as easy to put it back together by simply laying the two ends together and rubbing them between your palms. No knots are needed at all! The garments knitted with Plötulopi are very light, surprisingly warm, durable and breathable that makes you feel comfortable all day long. This yarn also felts easily making it great for felting projects.

Two strands of Plötulopi are equivalent in gauge to Léttlopi, three strands are equivalent to Álafosslopi. You can also mix it directly with other Lopi or non Lopi yarns  such as mohair and silk for more specific effects. One of the most intriguing uses of this unspun wool is the mixing of colors to achieve new colors and degradé effects. This wool will most definitely release your creativity. The gauge of course will vary depending on the number of plies used and the size of the needles used.

Short video about Plötulopi is here.